Thursday, August 5, 2010

What is the Barber Analysis?

Im doing an essay for a final exam tomorrow and its on the Barber Analysis. Can you fill me in on what it is?What is the Barber Analysis?
Hello Joe;

I'll get comical for a moment then send the information your looking for as can imagine your in a hurry.

';Barber Analysis'; Years ago barber shops were a wealth of information as many people all walks of life were always chatting as they were getting the hair cut. Busy, then there were many views being discussed about topics while the barber clipped away. He was considered a wealth of knowledge and analysis in a community.

OK Joe.. The link below is a site that I think your looking for. If not then Search Yahoo/Google and enter: ';barber analysis'; will have a huge amount of information.

Good luck with that.


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